Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, we do have a refund and return policy. You can see the details for that here: Refund and Returns Policy

Who is responsible for paying for returns?

Paying for returns is the customers responsibility. Once we receive the return we will email you in regards to the refund, return or exchange.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

We offer a 30 day money back guarantee, in order to qualify the items must be returned in received condition and be unused. Shipping is the responsibility of the customer for returns to receive a refund.

Do you make all of the products by hand?

Some of the pieces for products may be purchased and then customized. So some items that are used may be premade, but customized by me. Customizations are all done by me. For example, the shirt the design is put on may be premade and then I create the design and put it on the shirt.

Do you ship internationally?

No, we are a United States (USA) based small business. We only ship to the 50 states within the united States.

How do I contact support to ask questions or get help with an order?

Simply go to the contact page to reach out to me through the contact form or email me directly at: contact@thatcraftydudette.com

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